
Who We Help

Creative Solopreneurs, Consultants and Owners of Small Creative Firms.

Whether you call yourself a freelancer, small business owner or something uniquely you, it doesn't matter.

We specialize in helping creative professionals in charge of their own work life who are serious about taking it to the next level.

How we help

With the right advice, accountability and assistance, you can stop taking whatever comes along and go get the work you want.

It all starts with an initial 2-hour consultation (via phone, Skype, FaceTime) with Ilise Benun, Your Marketing Mentor.

You fill out our Getting Started Questionnaire and that becomes the foundation of your plan for growth. Then, during the consultation, we dig into your goals and dive right into your immediate challenges. You will get practical advice tailored to your needs and an objective perspective. There is no "program" to go through. Everything is customized for you. You come out of the consultation with a "to do" list and a clear direction for growth.

From there, we'll help you implement everything from your new positioning to a complete content strategy. That can involve a weekly phone call, a monthly meeting or a content marketing plan -- whatever makes the most sense for you. (Read more about the business mentoring here.)

What we do

We'll help you put your plan in place to avoid feast or famine and get the clients who value your services -- with budgets to match.

We can show you what to do -- sometimes we can even do it for you.