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The Marketing Mentor Podcast Stream


Subscribe via iTunes and Sound Cloud to hear interviews and presentation recordings with Ilise Benun

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Package pricing is perfect for... [QTMM 1/24/13]


Have you ever thought about "package" pricing -- where you package basic services at set prices? Today's tip offers the 7 steps to create your own packages.

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Dealing with problem clients: Video


In this presentation, from Ad Age's Small Agency Conference, Ilise Benun identifies 4 client red flags and offers common sense tips on how to work with challenging clients more productively.

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Cheat sheet: Don't be ignored


Are you tired of being ignored by clients and prospects? Do you send message after message but never hear back?

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Samples of email newsletters


Links to samples of email newsletters from creative firms and freelancers

view samples

Do you have business policies? [QTMM 10/23/14]


I gave my "Strategies of Successful Solopreneurs" talk to a group yesterday and one of the strategies I recommended was, "Develop your own business policies, like a corporation does." Otherwise, the client tends to dictate the terms.

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How to talk about what you do


One of the biggest mistakes new freelancers make is in how they describe what they do.

In this episode of Jake Jorgovan's, "The Creative Freelancer Show," Ilise Benun of Marketing Mentor teaches a framework for how to talk about what you do to potential clients. This is a framework that can be used online, at networking events or even in casual conversation.

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Elevator pitch worksheet: 3 things to emphasize


From my HOW Design Live 2014 session, this "Elevator Pitch Worksheet" offers 3 variations on how to answer the question, "What do you do?" with a focus on who you help and how.

download worksheet

Hourly rate worksheet


Use this worksheet to calculate your hourly rate based on your overhead and expenses. You might be surprised!

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List of trade associations & trade shows

This list of trade associations will help you choose your niche and find your target market.

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Cheat sheet: Client red flags


Battling big egos and unfair deadlines? You're not alone. (Based on Ilise Benun's presentation at the Ad Age's 2014 Small Agency Conference)

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Quick Payments

If it's time to pay, this is the place to find the links

make quick payments