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Package pricing is perfect for... [QTMM 1/24/13]


Have you ever thought about "package" pricing -- where you package basic services at set prices? Today's tip offers the 7 steps to create your own packages.

I wrote on the Marketing Mix Blog that package pricing is the best response to that ridiculous question, "How much is a web site?"

And I featured the 3 packages I helped Jill Anderson of develop for her web design services. (BTW this pricing strategy works well for logos, copywriting and consulting.)

These packages started increasing Jill’s business as soon as she started telling prospects about them. “After working with you to develop my packages page, I'm happy to say it works great. I love having my prices listed freely on my site. It means that people who do reach out to me have a general idea of costs and I weed out the tirekickers. And a few folks have easily agreed to the higher priced packages without much upsell effort on my part :)”

Today's tip provides the 7 steps to take to develop your own packages.

Over 2 months, Jill and I created her packages. Here's how:

That should get you started. And if you're not sure if package pricing is right for you, I'll help you figure it out. Take advantage of my free mentoring session...