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Pick a Niche Kit $99

This 157-page download from Ilise Benun of shows you 4 simple steps to zero in on your target markets and specialize your way to fame, fortune and success. more details

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Package Pricing Bundle $99

This information-packed download includes 80-pages of no-nonsense material that will give you the tools to price confidently & profitably and take control of your business, whether you're a newbie or veteran creative. more details

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2015 Marketing Plan + eCalendar for Creative Professionals $49

This much enhanced, downloadable, 121-page pdf will tell you exactly what to do every day. You also get 2 weekly checklists, an electronic calendar, lead tracking spreadsheet + 3 podcasts & webinar (w/ transcripts) and more! more details

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Designer's Proposal Bundle (Volume 1) $99

25 Resources for Project-Winning Proposals + 11 sample design proposals to use as models to create your own template, improve your existing template and/or to customize a specific proposal you're working on. more details

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Designer's Proposal Bundle (Volume 2) $99

In this 153-page download, you get 9 More Brand New "Winning" Proposals, all shared by creative professionals who are Marketing Mentor clients + Checklist of 17 Best Practices for Winning Proposals. more details

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Copywriter's Proposal Bundle $99

25 Resources for Project-Winning Proposals + 11 sample copywriting proposals to use as models to create your own template, improve your existing template and/or to customize a specific proposal you're working on. more details

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Pricing Bundle: The Tools for Smart Pricing $99

Marketing Mentor's Pricing Bundle will give you the down-and-dirty pricing info that creatives really want‚ and need. You get audio interviews, worksheets and articles from Creative Business and more! more details

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