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Do you have business policies? [QTMM 10/23/14]


I gave my "Strategies of Successful Solopreneurs" talk to a group yesterday and one of the strategies I recommended was, "Develop your own business policies, like a corporation does." Otherwise, the client tends to dictate the terms.

You should be ready to say, "That's my policy" without having to explain why. This conveys professionalism and confidence, which in turn inspires trust in you.

What do I mean by a policy?
The project begins once the agreement is signed and the deposit is received.

Other types of policies include:

Here are a few of my policies:

You may already be integrating your policies without articulating them (to yourself or to your clients) and therefore perhaps not enforcing them.

That is the tricky part -- it takes a backbone to enforce your own policies without fear that the client will vanish if you do. It takes practice too. (I've gotten really good at enforcing my cancellation policy and my clients usually respect it.)

One attendee yesterday asked if there is a place to find a list of policies. So I thought I would put one together.

If you have policies that work for you, please reply to this email with them and I will pull it together into a blog post for everyone to benefit from.

And if you're struggling with your policies, let me help. If we haven't already, take advantage of my free 30 minute session or let's do a consultation to get some policies in place for you!