Command the Fees you Deserve

The Coaching Program with Ilise Benun

Take control of your business (and life!) by focusing on the right clients—the ones who value your creative services and can pay for them. In this new, one-on-one coaching program, you will learn how to…

focus your business package

Modules 1 + 2
introductory offer: $750

We’ll find your ideal clients and develop the language to tell them what you do. You’ll learn how to select and research 3 target markets, determine which are viable and develop a list of 50 practice & ideal prospects. Then you’ll draft an elevator pitch and develop versions fornetworking, LinkedIn and your homepage.

Module 1: Focus to Find Your Ideal Clients

You’ll learn how to select and research 3 target markets, determine which are viable and develop a list of 50 practice & ideal prospects.

Module 2: Speak Fluently About Your Business

You’ll draft an elevator pitch for your 3 ideal clients and develop versions for networking, LinkedIn and your homepage.

Module 3: Price Your Services Fairly

You’ll develop standard pricing for your basic services (and package pricing, if appropriate).

Module 4: Create Your Email Marketing Message

You’ll determine the content, write an introductory issue and create a 6-month editorial calendar for your email blast or newsletter.

Module 5: Create Content for Your Marketing-Smart Web Site

You’ll analyze 3 competitive web sites, then determine the content for your own new or revised web site.

Module 6: Reach out to Your Ideal Clients

You’ll develop an outreach campaign for one target market, write scripts for “warm email prospecting” and a one-pager follow up.

Module 7: Create Your Proposal Template

You’ll use actual models of other proposals to create a basic proposal template to customize for future projects.

Mix & match only the modules you need. Each module takes approximately 4 weeks and includes:

Next steps:

  1. Email Ilise or sign up for a complimentary 30-minute mentoring session here to learn more and see if it’s right for you.
  2. Check out the online course, Command the Fees You Deserve, at