Marketing Services

If you know what you need to do, but don’t have time, the staff or the desire to do it yourself, we can help. We have a team of creative professionals who understand marketing (especially for creative pros!) and who do the writing, design, web design and more. If anything below sounds like it would help, take advantage of the free session to see if we're a good fit.

We offer:

Proposal Review, Critique and Writing

Ilise Benun also offers review and critique of your proposal and sometimes even writing. Recent proposals she’s worked on have won $89,000 retainer agreements and more. Email for details on what’s involved and pricing.

Content Marketing Development

We can develop a content strategy as well as the actual content to support it.

We will extract your expertise from you and help you get it in the hands of the right people. We have a team of reliable and experienced writers with wide expertise in various industries. We have developed:

Marketing Plan Development

We will develop a strategic marketing plan for your creative firm. Then we can help you implement it. Create the materials/collateral or web site (you can art direct or not!)